On the mainpage the toolbar is not fixed all the way to the top...
Before result: https://prnt.sc/v8SSvjcZ8rJr // https://prnt.sc/86Zfo2QqeyX5
New css code:
.color-primary, .title, h2.u, .h3, .inner h1.page-title, .mainmenu:after, .forumline tbody .catHead, form.search-form input.search-keywords, input.search-button, .pagination span a, a.button1, a.button2, button.button2, input.button1, input.button2, input.button, #profile-advanced-add a, img[src*="?poll"], .fa_pseudo_radio:after, #tabs, body div.sceditor-dropdown .button, .codebox dt, blockquote cite, .sceditor-container .sceditor-toolbar, body #fa_toolbar, body #fa_toolbar_hidden, body #fa_toolbar #fa_right #notif_list li.see_all, #fae_sticky_nav_panel a:after, img[src*="color=primary"], .table1 thead th, .breadcrumbs, input[type="button"], input[type="submit"], input[type="reset"], input[type="file"], .forumbg li.header, #chatbox_header, body #chatbox_footer {
margin: -2px;
And the bugfix for the sticky navbar, because is not also aligned all the way to the top:
<ul class="linklist navlinks" id="fa_sticky_nav" style="width: 100%;top: 28px;">
Final result: https://prnt.sc/Ea6YGqSjr4cT
Another suggestion is to move icons on the right side, instead of left side: https://prnt.sc/kOe59ROlctAX
Another thing that i found is this one: https://prnt.sc/xkghOgS4Pr_K
New css code:
.logos {
text-align: center;
color: #3B5998;
font-family: Allura;
font-style: normal;
font-size: 60px;
text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #F2F2F2, 1px 2px 0 #B1B1B2;
height: 80px;
Final result: https://prnt.sc/IjYcoSd1nP-2
While i edited this topic, i found that also that Reason for editing is not positioned very well, and i think thats the fix for it: https://prnt.sc/COSkwTg9ZwE_