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Meet Our Team
New Staff Member URL of Welcoming New Staff Thread Join Date
1 Username Welcome User into the team. 00/00/23
2 Username Welcome User into the team. 00/00/23
3 Username Welcome User into the team. 00/00/23

AF-Council Team
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Founder and Head of the Forum. Decisions must be passed through me before they're executed.

Moderation Color: Warning!
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Supervisor in other words, second in command. This person will also have access to the Founder account to access the templates for services and whatnot, leaning more to the technical side.

Wizard King
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Manager of the Forum & Staff. Keeping up to the day to day basis, passing down information to either or both: Director & Tech, hire/demote staff it has been approved by the Founder himself first...

Moderation Color: Warning!

General Manager
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Assistant Administrator. Different time-zone.

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Not Hiring!
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AF-Moderators Team
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Being Team Leader of the Moderators you will work along side with Revolved101, both will make sure all of the moderators are on top of their work and making sure the whole forum is clean from inappropriate content and such

Moderation Color: Warning!
Team Leader
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Users are designated to moderate a certain section of the forum.
Category Moderate:
• Front Desk

• Miscellaneous

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Users are designated to moderate a certain section of the forum.
Category Moderate:
• Services

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User is designated to moderate a certain section of the forum.
Category Moderate:
• Forums of Forums

Moderation Color: Warning!


AF-Package Team
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Being Team Leader of the Packagers you will work along side with Revolved101,both will make sure all of the packagers are on top of their work and making sure the section is clean & up to date with service guidelines & updates.

Moderation Color: Warning!
Team Leader
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Users are designated to moderate the Package Warehouse and complete requests.
Section Moderate:
• Package Warehouse

Moderation Color: Warning!
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Users are designated to moderate the Package Warehouse and complete requests.
Section Moderate:
• Package Warehouse

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Users are designated to moderate the Package Warehouse and complete requests.
Section Moderate:
• Package Warehouse

Moderation Color: Warning!


AF-Review Team
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Being Team Leader of the Reviewers you will work along side with Revolved101,you will make sure all of the reviewers are on top of their work and making sure the section is clean, requests are being completed & up to date with service guidelines.

Moderation Color: Warning!
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Users are designated to moderate the Review HQ and complete requests.
Section Moderate:
• Review HQ

Moderation Color: Warning!
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Users are designated to moderate the Review HQ and complete requests.
Section Moderate:
• Review HQ

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Users are designated to moderate the Review HQ and complete requests.
Section Moderate:
• Review HQ

Moderation Color: Warning!


AF-Graphic Design Team
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Being Team Leader of the Graphic Designers you will work along side with Revolved101,you will make sure all of the Designers are on top of their work and making sure the section is clean & up to date with service guidelines. Accepting/Denying Gallery work.

Moderation Color: Warning!
Graphic Designer
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Users are designated to moderate the Graphics Center and complete requests.
Section Moderate:
• Graphics Center
Accepting/Denying Art work for our Gallery

Moderation Color: Warning!
Graphic Designer
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Users are designated to moderate the Graphics Center and complete requests.
Section Moderate:
• Graphics Center
Accepting/Denying Art work for our Gallery

Moderation Color: Warning!

Graphic Designer
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Users are designated to moderate the Graphics Center and complete requests.
Section Moderate:
• Graphics Center
Accepting/Denying Art work for our Gallery

Moderation Color: Warning!

Graphic Designer